Version: Easypanel 1.23.2
What's now:
When I try to create an app from the schema with at least one source pointing to the ssh git repo, the app is not created instead I get error message: `Unexpected Error
Minified React error #31; visit[]=object%20with%20keys%20%7Bservices%7D for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.`
Steps to reproduce:
Use the attached file bug-schema.txt or do the following.
* create new "bug-create-from-template" project in easypanel
* crate service - app "app_from_docker"
* for source, select Git and press Generate SSH Key
* add generated key to git system (I use Gitea)
* add the path to ssh git repo ssh://git@host:port/path_to_repo, set branch to master, path to / and Save
* go to project settings and copy the project schema
* remove the app from the project
* go to project templates and create an app from the schema copied before by clicking Create From Schema
* app is not created, error message described above appears
* app is created
It'd be cool to have ssh keys imported for Create From Schema button to complete the app's setup too. Reason: when you have 7 apps sourced from git, it becomes tedious to generate and put ssh keys to git repository each time you spawn a new project from the template.
Please let me know if you want it as a separate feature request.