Full backup
Loan Talvat
The current save system is good, but I have an idea to make it even more complete
Imagine a .tar.gz file that contains
- easypanel settings parameters
- traefik configuration files
- Easypanel projects which are selected to be backup
- the services associated with its projects
- persistent volumes
The main idea is that let's imagine we totally lose the data of our easypanel server, to be able to quickly restore the parameters, projects and services with their volumes in a few clicks
What do you think ?
Stuart J
Automatic cloud backup would be even better.
Gabriel Fava
They added something of this in version 1.0.54 but in think it still need some improvement, maybe a way to quick export a bulk of service instead of select one by one.
Yes please!!
Deni Hermawan
This backup feature is the most important. If possible, when you move to another VPS with easypanel server backup, you can run it straight away. similar to import/export
Gabriel Fava
Deni Hermawan Would be awesome to have it
Deni Hermawan
Gabriel FavaI really want it too. but if this feature exists, I think it will be a paid feature.
Amer Hanna
Deni Hermawan This could be two separate features.
1- Easypanel full backup as above.
2- Easypanel transfer: transfer project or service to another easypanel installation.
Deni Hermawan
Amer Hanna That's right
Deni Hermawan
Yes, me too
Deni Hermawan
Gabriel Fava very cool
Charles Knowlton
Needed for sure
Needed indeed. Docker containers could us backed utilizing the
docker pause
, docker unpause
and/or docker save
commands. Docker volumes or mounted volumes should be backed up as well as any specific EasyPanel (custom) configs. Also the documentation regarding database backups is fairly limited. I'm trying to setup a connection to BackBlaze S3 without much success. I've read that it doesn't warn on failed connection, but it really should. It can simply try to write a test file, read it back and delete it. Also there is no information about what retention or restore options there will be.maxime lecouturier
Totally need it